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  • Lube Group and “La luna a dondolo” together for a new hall of the Macerata paediatrics department
News & Inaugurations
Lube Group and “La luna a dondolo” together for a new hall of the Macerata paediatrics department

The new hall of the paediatrics department of Macerata hospital, created by the “La luna a dondolo” association in collaboration with the company FAER Ambienti of Lube Group, was inaugurated on Friday, 13 November. The new recreational area, which has an extensive library, will offer the young patients a chance to read, play and have fun.

Collaboration between Lube Group and “La luna a dondolo” is part of the Nati per leggere (born to read) project developed to keep the young patients amused with reading. FAER Ambienti, which specialises in the production of bedrooms, decided to support the association in renovation of the hall, by providing furniture suitable for small children, with a contemporary design and careful choice of colours, shapes and materials.

Inauguration of the new hall of the paediatrics department strengthens the bond between Lube Group and the local community and confirms the company's commitment to research and development of innovative projects dedicated to small children as well.

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Cucine LUBE

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